A business signs up for service
A Business signs up for Recytrust’s recycling service. Our cloud-based bidding network enables you to compete for the volumes of recyclables that this business generates. There will be at least 500Kgs to start with.
You win the volume
You get informed from the mobile app of your winning bid. The app automatically maps the most efficient route and adjusts to accommodate any new service requests.
The mobile app generates pickup confirmation
Once you accept a pick-up request, our app notifies instantly the business’ facility manager of the pickup time, weight and volume, and also updates tonnage.
You get recyclable materials
Once you complete the collection of recyclables, the app generates confirmation of the pickup automatically for both you and facility manager, while enabling capability to rate the event.
Recytrust receives service payment
Once you collect the recyclables form the business, our app handles all payments between you and said business electronically, based on your bid on the cloud-powered recyclables auction at the beginning of the process.